Thursday, January 11, 2007

Battle Jelly Donut!!!!

What a week for Lady Sovereign! The ecstasy of victory, the agony of defeat. Playboy bunnies, jelly donuts. Late night television.

It all started Monday night, January 8, when Sov performed at San Francisco's Mezzanine Club (a make-up show for when she was sick back in November). However, this wasn't an ordinary performance. It was a battleground.

Remember that guy in San Francisco who raised $10,000 to take Lady Sovereign on a date? And remember how she dissed him in the press after the date? Well, that guy brought a friend on the date. And that guy happens to be a rapper. A rapper who calls himself Jelly Donut. And who dresses up like a giant donut. Which he did at the Lady Sovereign show at the Mezzanine on Monday night. And challenged Sov to a rap battle.

Sov was not having it. Apparently, she spit on, poured Red Bull on, and eventually kicked out the man in the donut costume. However, the crowd was on Jelly Donut's side, bombarding her with chants of "BATTLE JELLY DONUT!" and pieces of paper with an image of a donut on them (provided by the man himself, of course).

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