Breaking News....... You would think Paris Hilton would revel in doing appearances for clubs built in her name. But that's not what happened when the first Club Paris opened in Orlando. "She was six hours late that night," said Club Paris owner Fred Khalilian. And it's not what happened in Jacksonville. "She just ditched Jacksonville. That's what put us in an uncomfortable situation with her," said Khalilian. Khalilian says Paris Hilon has been a big disappointment. "She didn't show up the way she was supposed to and in her mind, she doesn't have to. And she's right, she doesn't have to. When she's done with something, she's done. She's Paris Hilton," said Khalilian. So, he fired the face of Club Paris, and now, he's looking for a new face. "We're going to focus on the rest of our 28 clubs and we're going to focus on making our own star, and not relying on stars to make us," said Khalilian.
Think "Miss USA" meets "The Apprentice" meets "American Idol." It's called "The Replacement." "Every 12 months Club Paris will crown a woman, age 18 to 25, and she'll be Miss Club Paris USA," said Khalilian. By replacing the face of a club that once belonged to Paris Hilton, Khalilian hopes to teach the heiress a lesson. "Maybe this'll teach her to stop using people then throwing them out," said Khalilian.
Khalilian says contract negotiations for the new show, "The Replacement," with a major network is in the works now. That should be finalized next week.

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