Check out this post from Jax Daily with "5 Questions" for our good friend Jimmy Midyette who is running for City Council.
Question #1: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and why you’re running for a seat on the City Council?
Jimmy Midyette: I’m a native of Jacksonville who loves his town! I spend a lot of my “free” time working on issues and problems in Jacksonville. I do that on an appointed board and through the JCCI and Blueprint for Prosperity processes. I’m running for a seat on the City Council because I want to take the advocacy that I do for people at Legal Aid to the next level. For me, a seat on the City Council feels like the next logical step in my public service calling.
Question #2: What individuals and organizations have endorsed your campaign?
Jimmy Midyette: I have been endorsed by the historic Brewster Hospital Nurses Alumni Association for my record on preservation. I’ve also been endorsed by the Northeast Florida Public Employees’ Union, Local 630. They have endorsed a great group of candidates who have met and will work together on the Council to make sure working people have a voice in government.
Question #3: What leaders (past or present) do you consider to be your biggest influences?
Jimmy Midyette: The first political campaign I volunteered on was John Delaney’s 1995 run for Mayor. I’ve always admired him and the things he was able to accomplish. Glorious Johnson is a mentor and is quickly becoming a friend as well. You will often see her on the “other side” of losing votes because she has integrity and is an independent thinker and leader.
Question #4: What makes you stand out from the other candidates in your race? And specifically, how has the entry of Warren Jones into your race impacted your own campaign?
Jimmy Midyette: I stand out from the other candidates in my race because I’m a licensed, practicing attorney and I have devoted my life to public service. I have experience with our government and I believe I can help make good law for the people of Jacksonville. I respect Warren’s decision to run against me. It’s important that we have a good campaign and that the best leader for the people emerges. Warren has name recognition that I don’t. The impact on my campaign has been to run a much more grass-roots effort than I’d initially planned. Lots of canvassing; lots of phone calls. I’ve also incorporated strategies to earn media and get my name into the press. So far, so good!
Question #5: Finally, can you tell us a little about what you like to do in your spare time?
Jimmy Midyette: Spare time? What is this ’spare time’ of which you speak? Just kidding. In the spare time that I have, I read books (science fiction and political fact), worship and volunteer at my church (Riverside United Church of Christ), work with community groups (JCCI, Blueprint, RAP), and play with my dog, Fischer.

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