Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bum Wine - The Hunt Continues

We have received 2 submissions this week for our trek to find all 5 of these Bum Wines:

  1. Cisco
  2. MD 20/20
  3. Night Train
  4. Thunderbird
  5. Wild Irish Rose

to submit to for inclusion on their "Where To Buy" link.

Linda submitted this picture from the WalMart on Beach Boulevard. Linda "claims" that they had all 5, however, the picture tells a different story. All we see is Boone's Farm and Arbor Mist - neither of which is on the Bum Wine list. So they FAIL!

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Robin stopped by the Daily's/Shell on Cassat Avenue this morning and found that they only had 2 out of 5 - Wild Irish Rose and plenty of Cisco.

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The hunt continues.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok looks like I am going to have to step up to the plate and find this for you. you're not venturing deep enough into URBAN Jacksonville!