Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sheriff's Advisory Council (ShAdCo) Meeting TONIGHT

With all the news of the robberies and violence going on in Riverside these days we thought it quite appropriate to inform you guys of the Sheriff's Advisory Councils (ShAdCo). From

What is ShAdCo?

ShAdCo's demonstrate a partnership between law enforcement and the community. They illustrate Jacksonville's commitment to community policing. ShAdCo's serve as information exchanges between citizens and the police. Regularly scheduled meetings give citizens an opportunity to communicate directly with command staff and police officers on issues of importance to their communities.

How Does ShAdCo Work?

The City of Jacksonville is divided into six police zones. Each zone has a substation that provides basic police services for members of the surrounding community.

Each zone is subdivided into sectors. The sectors have ShAdCo's that are composed of law enforcement officers and citizens from that area. Each ShAdCo has an elected chairperson to manage the program. The zone commander works actively with the councils but do not chair the meetings. The groups meet once a month to discuss issues pertaining to their area of the city and to plan solutions. Topics of discussion can include but are not limited to eliminating drug houses, vehicular traffic, home security,and community education.

Riverside/Avondale/Murray Hill are all in Zone 4 and meetings take place on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7PM at the Ortega United Methodist Church, 4807 Roosevelt Blvd. in the "Boyd Chapel" (Corner of Roosevelt Blvd. and Longfellow Street).

This is the community's chance to voice its opinions to those people who are out there to protect us. We will be there tonight and hope to see a bunch of you guys too. This is how we get things done!


Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time... the Po Po know what the problem is and they're doing their best by shooting everyone they can! and I'm all for it! keep up the good work! the answer to all these THUGS running around with guns is to ARM YOURSELF and protect your life and property! the police need to have gun training every first Thursday of the month for us!

Anonymous said...

I WARNED j.s.o. about the neighborhood watch long before the zimmerman situation. go to and read it. I published this back in Dec/jan